Wheeler introduces term limits bill on term limits day

Wheeler introduces term limits bill on term limits day

State Rep. David Wheeler, R-Vestavia Hills, announced that he has pre-filed a bill to enact term limits for members of the State House of Representatives and State Senate.

“I have been a long time supporter of term limits,” Wheeler said. “It was one of the issues I was most asked about during the last campaign. Poll after poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly support them. I think this measure addresses that desire, without penalizing incumbents who have selflessly served our great state.”

The bill proposes an amendment to the state constitution, which would place a two-term limit on State House and Senate members, and allowing anyone who filled a mid-term vacancy an additional two years of service, starting with the 2022 elections.

Continue reading Wheeler introduces term limits bill on term limits day at Alabama Political Reporter.

by Brandon Moseley via Alabama Political Reporter https://ift.tt/2H6iFaE Mrs Brown Beautiful DressWikipedia
